Lucie Hollingsworth Counselling MNCS (Accred)
Teignmouth, Devon

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What is Rewind Therapy?

Developed by Dr David Muss in the 1990's it has been used effectively to manage symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - currently research is finding the technique has positive outcomes in around 85% of cases.

This therapy doesn't require you to disclose the details of the trauma - it is often referred to as "closure without disclosure". This means there is less risk of you being re-traumatised!

The aim of the therapy is to stop involuntary recall of the trauma and the associated flashbacks; nightmares; difficulty concentrating; avoidance of situations; hypervigilence and anxiety.

The Rewind Therapy doesn't erase the memory but files the memory away in a "mental filing cabinet", you will then be in control as to whether you want to revisit the traumatic memory rather than the traumatic memory revisiting you, uninvited.

Who can benefit from Rewind Therapy?

Clients who are experiencing symptoms of PTSD, they may be:


  • Survivors of a traumatic event - where the trauma has happened to you
  • Those who have been witnesses to a traumatic event
  • Emergency responders
  • Family or friends of a victim of a traumatic event
  • Therapists
  • The perpetrator of a traumatic event - where a person is responsible for (by accident or design) and involved in the traumatic event


What traumas can Rewind Therapy be used for?

As long as there are memories of the traumatic event then Rewind can be used for:


  • Single event trauma - such as robbery; road traffic accident; violent attack or sexual assault.
  • Multiple event trauma - these might include combat stress; domestic violence or sexual abuse (where there is more than one occurrence of the traumatic event).


Session/Fee details for Rewind Therapy

Rewind Therapy is usually effective within 2 - 3 sessions (no therapy is 100% guaranteed but currently research shows it has around a 85% successful outcome). Sessions are conducted face to face and last up to 50mins. Please do get in touch regarding costs of Rewind as a standalone therapy.


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